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                                        HY-TEK's Meet Manager 5/3/2014 12:15 PM
                          Silver Ligthning - 5/3/2014                          
                               Performance List                                
Event 50  Boys 200 Meter Dash U-16
Saturday 5/3/2014 - 7:00 PM
     Name                         Age Team                                  
  1  Lloyd, Christopher            14 Golden Compass              
  2  Deveaux, Jermaine             14 Golden Compass              
  3  Allayne, Travjuan             14 Golden Compass              
  4  Young, Dealando               14 Golden Compass              
  5  Hall, Gabriel                 14 X-Treme Athletic            
  6  Ward, Raymond                 15 Golden Compass              
  7  Lowe, Tyeko                   14 High Performance            
  8  Storr, Alexander              15 Club Monica                 
  9  Ingraham, Justic              14 High Performance            
 10  Sands, Raquille               14 Swift Atheltics             
 11  Darling, Rashad               15 Ambassadors                 
 12  Leary, Tyler                  15 Turbulance Track            
 13  McKenzie, Breon               14 LN Coakley                  
 14  Laguerre, Benny               14 Swift Atheltics             
 15  Smith, Marlon                 15 Silver Lightning            
 16  Culmer, Javon                 15 Silver Lightning            
 17  Brown, Julian                 15 Club Monica                 
 18  Knowles, Cameron              15 Fast Forward                
 19  Whymns, Denvuaghn             14 Club Monica                 
 20  Major, Kristin                14 Swift Atheltics             
 21  Edwards, Brentan              15 Fast Forward                
 22  Adderley, Michael             14 Roadrunners                 
 23  Sands, Hartley                15 Roadrunners                 
 24  Swain, Shanton                15 Phoenix Track               
 25  Cooper, Omar                  14 Roadrunners                 
 26  Smith, Aaron                  15 Roadrunners                 
 27  Lafleur, Nigel                15 Heats Athletics             
 28  Munroe, Oracha                14 Heats Athletics             
 29  Duncombe, Mikihail            15 Heats Athletics             
 30  Oscar, Gallado                15 Phoenix Track               
 31  Russell, Ricardo              15 Heats Athletics             
 32  Murray, Joel                  14 High Performance            
 33  Murray, Jude                  15 High Performance            
 34  Gardiner, Tyler               14 High Performance            
 35  Gayle, Edward                 14 High Performance            
 36  Curry, Lazone                 14 High Performance            
 37  Damus, Benny                  15 Roadrunners                 
 38  Evans, Anthony                15 Alliance Athleti            
 39  Johnson, Jireh                14 Roadrunners                 
 40  Rolle, Rashad                 15 High Performance            
 41  Rolle, Branson                15 High Performance