The Bahamas National Stadium - Site License             1/11/2014 - 6:01 PM
                   T-Bird Flyers - 1/10/2014 to 1/11/2014                   
                        The Bahama National Stadium                         
Event 98  Men 18-34 Long Jump OPEN
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  Wind Points
  1 Lockhart, Gregory         30 Sun Blazers              6.80m   NWI  10   
  2 Armstrong, Tyler          18 Star Trackers            6.25m   NWI   8   
  3 Kemp, Trent               18 Jumpers Inc.             6.20m   NWI   6   
  4 Pratt, Jamison            19 Jumpers Inc.             5.93m   NWI   5   
  5 Coakley, Ashtera          18 Ambassador Athle         5.72m   NWI   4   
  6 Seargent, Vernon          19 Jumpers Inc.             5.24m   NWI   3   
 -- McKinney, Talbot          19 College of the B            ND   NWI