The Bahamas National Stadium - Site License        1/11/2014 - 6:01 PM
                T-Bird Flyers - 1/10/2014 to 1/11/2014                 
                      The Bahama National Stadium                      
Event 103  Women 18-34 Discus Throw OPEN
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  Points
  1 Oembler, Ashley           20 College of the B        36.09m   10   
  2 Ferguson, Sheriya         18 College of the B        32.09m    8   
  3 Cooper, Krastachia        21 College of the B        29.30m    6   
  4 Brown, Selina             19 College of the B        28.38m    5   
  5 Whylly, Chenique          18 Road Runners            26.68m    4   
  6 Young, Luxzonica          18 Throwers Inc.           25.46m    3   
  7 McKinney, Walliscia       19 RC Athletics            22.71m    2   
  8 Ingraham, Tanisha         18 Club Monica Athl        19.19m    1   
  9 Carter, Paige             19 RC Athletics            19.09m