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 The Bahamas National Stadium - Site License          6/3/2016 - 6:35 PM
        BAHAMAS UNION OF TEACHERS / BAAA - 6/3/2016 to 6/4/2016         
                       THOMAS A. ROBINSON STADIUM                       
Event 14  Boys 100 Meter Dash UNDER 11
    Name                     Age Team                   Prelims         
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: 3.9                                       
  1 Gray, Philip              10 D.T.S.P. Wolfpack        13.84Q        
  2 Brown, Tahj               10 Club Monica              14.12Q        
  3 Miller, Aiden             10 Ambassador               14.40         
  4 Moxey, Kenny               9 Unattached               14.51         
  5 Bullard, Jadin            10 Sts. Francis & J         14.69         
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: 3.5                                       
  1 Heastie, William          10 Club Monica              13.92Q        
  2 Ferguson, Ryan            10 Kid's Athletics          14.14Q        
  3 Lockhart, Josiah           9 Star Trackers            14.29q        
  4 Williams, Omar             9 Sts. Francis & J         14.99         
Heat  3 Preliminaries   Wind: 1.6                                       
  1 Clarke, Nathan            10 Alliance Athletics       14.17Q        
  2 McKenzie, Garvin          10 Unattached               14.21Q        
  3 Ford, Trent                9 Roadrunners              14.34q        
  4 Moss, Atari                9 Kid's Athletics          14.49         
  5 Ferguson, Rheiughn        10 Swift Athetics           15.04         
  6 Cunningham, George         9 T. Bird Flyers           16.36         
    Name                     Age Team                   Prelims  Wind H#
  1 Gray, Philip              10 D.T.S.P. Wolfpack        13.84Q  3.9  1
  2 Heastie, William          10 Club Monica              13.92Q  3.5  2
  3 Clarke, Nathan            10 Alliance Athletics       14.17Q  1.6  3
  4 Brown, Tahj               10 Club Monica              14.12Q  3.9  1
  5 Ferguson, Ryan            10 Kid's Athletics          14.14Q  3.5  2
  6 McKenzie, Garvin          10 Unattached               14.21Q  1.6  3
  7 Lockhart, Josiah           9 Star Trackers            14.29q  3.5  2
  8 Ford, Trent                9 Roadrunners              14.34q  1.6  3
  9 Miller, Aiden             10 Ambassador               14.40   3.9  1
 10 Moss, Atari                9 Kid's Athletics          14.49   1.6  3
 11 Moxey, Kenny               9 Unattached               14.51   3.9  1
 12 Bullard, Jadin            10 Sts. Francis & J         14.69   3.9  1
 13 Williams, Omar             9 Sts. Francis & J         14.99   3.5  2
 14 Ferguson, Rheiughn        10 Swift Athetics           15.04   1.6  3
 15 Cunningham, George         9 T. Bird Flyers           16.36   1.6  3