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 The Bahamas National Stadium - Site License     6/3/2016 - 7:29 PM
      BAHAMAS UNION OF TEACHERS / BAAA - 6/3/2016 to 6/4/2016      
                    THOMAS A. ROBINSON STADIUM                     
Event 21  Girls 400 Meter Run UNDER 13
    Name                     Age Team                   Prelims    
Heat  1 Preliminaries                                              
  1 Dean, Reshae              12 Star Trackers          1:01.32Q   
  2 Pratt, Raven              11 Fast Forward           1:06.08Q   
  3 Neilly, Kasha             12 Xtreme Athletics       1:06.40    
  4 Skippings, Chamija        11 Swift Athetics         1:10.55    
  5 Lightbourn, Lauren        11 Sts. Francis & J       1:11.39    
  6 Simms, Esther             11 T. Bird Flyers         1:11.61    
  7 Laschazza-Paul, Vinae     11 Roadrunners            1:16.38    
Heat  2 Preliminaries                                              
  1 Miller, Shaunece          12 Speed Kids             1:03.78Q   
  2 Augustin, Sara            12 Heats Athletics        1:05.26Q   
  3 Smith, Alexandria         11 Fast Track Manag       1:05.27q   
  4 Kemp, Breyanna            11 Hurry Murray           1:05.39q   
  5 Maycock, Ezthia           11 Xtreme Athletics       1:14.78    
Heat  3 Preliminaries                                              
  1 Valcourt, Javonya         12 Fast Forward           1:02.47Q   
  2 Lewis, Makayla            12 Kenyan Knights         1:03.44Q   
  3 Archer, Paige             11 Xtreme Athletics       1:08.57    
  4 Forbes, Zariah            11 3 P A Stallions        1:12.86    
  5 Sweeting, Shanai          12 Xtreme Athletics       1:27.36    
    Name                     Age Team                   Prelims  H#
  1 Dean, Reshae              12 Star Trackers          1:01.32Q  1
  2 Valcourt, Javonya         12 Fast Forward           1:02.47Q  3
  3 Miller, Shaunece          12 Speed Kids             1:03.78Q  2
  4 Lewis, Makayla            12 Kenyan Knights         1:03.44Q  3
  5 Augustin, Sara            12 Heats Athletics        1:05.26Q  2
  6 Pratt, Raven              11 Fast Forward           1:06.08Q  1
  7 Smith, Alexandria         11 Fast Track Manag       1:05.27q  2
  8 Kemp, Breyanna            11 Hurry Murray           1:05.39q  2
  9 Neilly, Kasha             12 Xtreme Athletics       1:06.40   1
 10 Archer, Paige             11 Xtreme Athletics       1:08.57   3
 11 Skippings, Chamija        11 Swift Athetics         1:10.55   1
 12 Lightbourn, Lauren        11 Sts. Francis & J       1:11.39   1
 13 Simms, Esther             11 T. Bird Flyers         1:11.61   1
 14 Forbes, Zariah            11 3 P A Stallions        1:12.86   3
 15 Maycock, Ezthia           11 Xtreme Athletics       1:14.78   2
 16 Laschazza-Paul, Vinae     11 Roadrunners            1:16.38   1
 17 Sweeting, Shanai          12 Xtreme Athletics       1:27.36   3