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 The Bahamas National Stadium - Site License                   6/4/2016 - 7:31 PM
             BAHAMAS UNION OF TEACHERS / BAAA - 6/3/2016 to 6/4/2016             
                           THOMAS A. ROBINSON STADIUM                            
Event 26  Boys 200 Meter Dash UNDER 13
8 Advance:  Top 2 Each Heat plus Next 0 Best Times
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims         
Heat  1 Preliminaries   Wind: 1.9                                                
  1 Pinder, Torran            12 Fast Forward                      27.94Q        
  2 Butterfield, Malachi      11 Club Monica                       28.67Q        
  3 Campbell, Andric          12 Xtreme Athletics                  28.93         
 -- Williams, Malcolm         12 Roadrunners                         DNS         
 -- Eccleston, Anthony        12 High Performance                    DNS         
 -- Etienne, Jamal            12 Swift Athetics                      DNS         
 -- Cartwright, Michael       11 Kid's Athletics                     DNS         
Heat  2 Preliminaries   Wind: 2.6                                                
  1 Smith, Mateo              12 Fast Track Manag                  25.24Q        
  2 Evans, Ahmad              12 Fast Forward                      25.30Q        
  3 Brown, Carlos             11 Swift Athetics                    27.08         
  4 Ingraham, Brayden         12 Xtreme Athletics                  27.96         
  5 Brooks, Justin            11 Sunblazers                        28.40         
 -- Miller, Jayden            11 Kid's Athletics                     DNS         
 -- Bain, Kyle                11 Roadrunners                         DNS         
 -- Sherman, Benjamin         11 Star Trackers                       DNS         
Heat  3 Preliminaries   Wind: 1.2                                                
  1 Flowers, Jamal            12 Fast Forward                      25.92Q        
  2 Miller, Tyler             12 Speed Kids                        26.72Q        
  3 Tate, Rojade              11 Rocks Athletic Club               26.95         
  4 Missick, Theon            12 Xtreme Athletics                  27.23         
  5 Reckley, Ryan             12 Star Trackers                     27.83         
  6 Dawkins, Ian              12 Swift Athetics                    28.27         
  7 Robinson, Tayshaun        11 Sunblazers                        28.90         
 -- Smith, Shamar             12 Fast Track Manag                    DNS         
Heat  4 Preliminaries   Wind: 2.6                                                
  1 McKie, Deangelo           12 Falcons Athletics                 24.47Q        
  2 Laing, Otto               12 High Performance                  24.98Q        
  3 Campbell, Zion            12 Golden Eagles                     25.76         
  4 Bethel, Antonio           12 Fast Forward                      25.88         
  5 Ermilus, Daniel           11 Roadrunners                       27.10         
  6 Marshall, Sean            12 Xtreme Athletics                  30.40         
 -- Moss, Destin              11 Swift Athetics                      DNS         
 -- Chandler, Matthew         11 Kid's Athletics                     DNS         
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed    Prelims  Wind H#
  1 McKie, Deangelo           12 Falcons Athletics                 24.47Q  2.6  4
  2 Smith, Mateo              12 Fast Track Manag                  25.24Q  2.6  2
  3 Flowers, Jamal            12 Fast Forward                      25.92Q  1.2  3
  4 Pinder, Torran            12 Fast Forward                      27.94Q  1.9  1
  5 Laing, Otto               12 High Performance                  24.98Q  2.6  4
  6 Evans, Ahmad              12 Fast Forward                      25.30Q  2.6  2
  7 Miller, Tyler             12 Speed Kids                        26.72Q  1.2  3
  8 Butterfield, Malachi      11 Club Monica                       28.67Q  1.9  1
  9 Campbell, Zion            12 Golden Eagles                     25.76   2.6  4
 10 Bethel, Antonio           12 Fast Forward                      25.88   2.6  4
 11 Tate, Rojade              11 Rocks Athletic Club               26.95   1.2  3
 12 Brown, Carlos             11 Swift Athetics                    27.08   2.6  2
 13 Ermilus, Daniel           11 Roadrunners                       27.10   2.6  4
 14 Missick, Theon            12 Xtreme Athletics                  27.23   1.2  3
 15 Reckley, Ryan             12 Star Trackers                     27.83   1.2  3
 16 Ingraham, Brayden         12 Xtreme Athletics                  27.96   2.6  2
 17 Dawkins, Ian              12 Swift Athetics                    28.27   1.2  3
 18 Brooks, Justin            11 Sunblazers                        28.40   2.6  2
 19 Robinson, Tayshaun        11 Sunblazers                        28.90   1.2  3
 20 Campbell, Andric          12 Xtreme Athletics                  28.93   1.9  1
 21 Marshall, Sean            12 Xtreme Athletics                  30.40   2.6  4
 -- Bain, Kyle                11 Roadrunners                         DNS   2.6  2
 -- Williams, Malcolm         12 Roadrunners                         DNS   1.9  1
 -- Etienne, Jamal            12 Swift Athetics                      DNS   1.9  1
 -- Moss, Destin              11 Swift Athetics                      DNS   2.6  4
 -- Smith, Shamar             12 Fast Track Manag                    DNS   1.2  3
 -- Eccleston, Anthony        12 High Performance                    DNS   1.9  1
 -- Cartwright, Michael       11 Kid's Athletics                     DNS   1.9  1
 -- Miller, Jayden            11 Kid's Athletics                     DNS   2.6  2
 -- Chandler, Matthew         11 Kid's Athletics                     DNS   2.6  4
 -- Sherman, Benjamin         11 Star Trackers                       DNS   2.6  2