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 The Bahamas National Stadium - Site License                          6/4/2016 - 7:28 PM
                 Thomas A. Robinson Track and Field Classic - 5/21/2016                 
                       Hosted by Silver Lightning Athletics Club                        
                              The Bahamas National Stadium                              
Event 47  Girls 100 Meter Dash under 16
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals  Points        
 -- Scott, Garrin             14 Club Monica                         SCR                
 -- Williams, Shorntell       15 Twd Athletics                       SCR                
 -- Cartwright, Sharon        14 Club Monica                         SCR                
 -- Kinteh, Lakelle           15 SunBlazers T                        SCR                
 -- Wintston, Antrinique      15 Heats Athletics                     SCR                
Section  1     Wind: -1.1                                                               
  1 Johnson, Craiesha         15 Fast Forward                      12.98    5           
  2 Bullard, Alexandria       15 High Performance                  13.21    2           
  3 Turnquest, Danielle       14 Dtsp WolfPack                     13.26    1           
  4 Taylor, Amber             15 Dtsp WolfPack                     13.48                
  5 Brennen, Lyric            14 Fast Forward                      13.94                
  6 Stubbs, Ravanne           15 Roadrunners                       14.44                
  7 Forbes, Jade              14 Alliance Athletics                14.49                
 -- Lotomore, Anishka         15 High Performance                     FS                
Section  2     Wind: 0.7                                                                
  1 Johnson, Aisha            15 Dtsp WolfPack                     12.46   10           
  2 Knowles, Jaida            14 Star Tracker                      12.50    8           
  3 Burrows, Robyn            14 Fast Forward                      13.28                
  4 Clarke, Jaidesha          15 High Performance                  13.72                
 -- Cartwright, Shanaed       14 Club Monica                         DNS                
 -- Thompson, Gienni          15 Hurry Murray                        DNS                
 -- Chislom, Jameka           15 Swift Atheltics                     DNS                
Section  3     Wind: 1.0                                                                
  1 McKenzie, Tyra            15 Dtsp WolfPack                     12.97    6           
  2 Colebrook, Raneisha       15 Club Monica                       13.06    4           
  3 Tibby, Rochelle           15 High Performance                  13.07    3           
  4 Moxey, Rickendra          14 Rickey Moxey Track                13.60                
  5 Barnett, Robynn           14 Star Tracker                      13.75                
  6 Cooper, D'Sasha           14 SunBlazers T                      13.95                
  7 Sears, Sierra             14 Fast Forward                      14.16                
 -- Rolle, Alexia             15 Star Tracker                        DNS                
Section  4     Wind: 1.0                                                                
  1 Rolle-Curry, Robynn       14 Star Tracker                      13.28                
  2 Knowles, Vandera          14 Roadrunners                       13.57                
  3 Cooper, D'Shante          14 SunBlazers T                      13.79                
  4 Collie, Davanna           14 Star Tracker                      14.11                
  5 Connolly, Maliyah         14 Club Monica                       14.61                
  6 Oliver, India             15 4 Ever Faster Tr                  16.83                
 -- Sweeting, Troyva          14 Club Monica                         DNS                
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Johnson, Aisha            15 Dtsp WolfPack                     12.46   0.7  2  10   
  2 Knowles, Jaida            14 Star Tracker                      12.50   0.7  2   8   
  3 McKenzie, Tyra            15 Dtsp WolfPack                     12.97   1.0  3   6   
  4 Johnson, Craiesha         15 Fast Forward                      12.98  -1.1  1   5   
  5 Colebrook, Raneisha       15 Club Monica                       13.06   1.0  3   4   
  6 Tibby, Rochelle           15 High Performance                  13.07   1.0  3   3   
  7 Bullard, Alexandria       15 High Performance                  13.21  -1.1  1   2   
  8 Turnquest, Danielle       14 Dtsp WolfPack                     13.26  -1.1  1   1   
  9 Rolle-Curry, Robynn       14 Star Tracker                      13.28   1.0  4       
  9 Burrows, Robyn            14 Fast Forward                      13.28   0.7  2       
 11 Taylor, Amber             15 Dtsp WolfPack                     13.48  -1.1  1       
 12 Knowles, Vandera          14 Roadrunners                       13.57   1.0  4       
 13 Moxey, Rickendra          14 Rickey Moxey Track                13.60   1.0  3       
 14 Clarke, Jaidesha          15 High Performance                  13.72   0.7  2       
 15 Barnett, Robynn           14 Star Tracker                      13.75   1.0  3       
 16 Cooper, D'Shante          14 SunBlazers T                      13.79   1.0  4       
 17 Brennen, Lyric            14 Fast Forward                      13.94  -1.1  1       
 18 Cooper, D'Sasha           14 SunBlazers T                      13.95   1.0  3       
 19 Collie, Davanna           14 Star Tracker                      14.11   1.0  4       
 20 Sears, Sierra             14 Fast Forward                      14.16   1.0  3       
 21 Stubbs, Ravanne           15 Roadrunners                       14.44  -1.1  1       
 22 Forbes, Jade              14 Alliance Athletics                14.49  -1.1  1       
 23 Connolly, Maliyah         14 Club Monica                       14.61   1.0  4       
 24 Oliver, India             15 4 Ever Faster Tr                  16.83   1.0  4       
 -- Lotomore, Anishka         15 High Performance                     FS  -1.1  1       
 -- Rolle, Alexia             15 Star Tracker                        DNS   1.0  3       
 -- Chislom, Jameka           15 Swift Atheltics                     DNS   0.7  2       
 -- Thompson, Gienni          15 Hurry Murray                        DNS   0.7  2       
 -- Cartwright, Shanaed       14 Club Monica                         DNS   0.7  2       
 -- Sweeting, Troyva          14 Club Monica                         DNS   1.0  4       
 -- Scott, Garrin             14 Club Monica                         SCR                
 -- Williams, Shorntell       15 Twd Athletics                       SCR                
 -- Wintston, Antrinique      15 Heats Athletics                     SCR                
 -- Kinteh, Lakelle           15 SunBlazers T                        SCR                
 -- Cartwright, Sharon        14 Club Monica                         SCR