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 The Bahamas National Stadium - Site License                          6/4/2016 - 7:29 PM
                 Thomas A. Robinson Track and Field Classic - 5/21/2016                 
                       Hosted by Silver Lightning Athletics Club                        
                              The Bahamas National Stadium                              
Event 69  Girls 200 Meter Dash under 18
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals  Points        
 -- Saunders, Samara          16 4 Ever Faster Tr                    SCR                
 -- Culmer, Tamica            17 X-Treme Athletic                    SCR                
 -- Sawyer, Alexya            17 Quick Step                          SCR                
 -- Pierre, Proline           17 Silver Lightning                    SCR                
 -- Williams, Nastaria        17 Heats Athletics                     SCR                
 -- Miller, Tanae             16 Club Monica                         SCR                
 -- Collie, Angel             16 Bahamas High                        SCR                
 -- Carter, Kayneshia         16 Bahamas High                        SCR                
 -- Anderson, Doneisha        16 Twd Athletics                       SCR                
Section  1     Wind: -1.3                                                               
  1 Parker, Devine            16 Bahamas High                      25.00   10           
  2 Ingraham, Kendesha        16 SunBlazers T                      26.07    6           
  3 Forbes, Chanice           16 Twd Athletics                     26.17    4           
  4 Collie, Kristia           17 Alliance Athletics                27.21    1           
 -- Bullard, Tavia            17 3 PA Stallions                      DNS                
 -- Allens, Alyia             16 Star Tracker                        DNS                
 -- Wilson, Kimona            17 Quick Step                          DNS                
Section  2     Wind: -1.7                                                               
  1 Gibson, Gabrielle         16 SunBlazers T                      25.81    8           
  2 Darling, Rashan           17 Ambassadors                       26.11    5           
  3 Saunders, Micah           12 Ambassadors                       26.23    3           
  4 Rodgers, Danielle         16 Bahamas High                      26.69    2           
  5 Treco, Shericka           16 Heats Athletics                   27.30                
  6 Davis, Laurenique         17 Swift Atheltics                   27.88                
  7 Moss, Alexus              16 Hurry Murray                      35.43                
    Name                     Age Team                    Seed     Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Parker, Devine            16 Bahamas High                      25.00  -1.3  1  10   
  2 Gibson, Gabrielle         16 SunBlazers T                      25.81  -1.7  2   8   
  3 Ingraham, Kendesha        16 SunBlazers T                      26.07  -1.3  1   6   
  4 Darling, Rashan           17 Ambassadors                       26.11  -1.7  2   5   
  5 Forbes, Chanice           16 Twd Athletics                     26.17  -1.3  1   4   
  6 Saunders, Micah           12 Ambassadors                       26.23  -1.7  2   3   
  7 Rodgers, Danielle         16 Bahamas High                      26.69  -1.7  2   2   
  8 Collie, Kristia           17 Alliance Athletics                27.21  -1.3  1   1   
  9 Treco, Shericka           16 Heats Athletics                   27.30  -1.7  2       
 10 Davis, Laurenique         17 Swift Atheltics                   27.88  -1.7  2       
 11 Moss, Alexus              16 Hurry Murray                      35.43  -1.7  2       
 -- Allens, Alyia             16 Star Tracker                        DNS  -1.3  1       
 -- Bullard, Tavia            17 3 PA Stallions                      DNS  -1.3  1       
 -- Wilson, Kimona            17 Quick Step                          DNS  -1.3  1       
 -- Williams, Nastaria        17 Heats Athletics                     SCR                
 -- Pierre, Proline           17 Silver Lightning                    SCR                
 -- Collie, Angel             16 Bahamas High                        SCR                
 -- Sawyer, Alexya            17 Quick Step                          SCR                
 -- Anderson, Doneisha        16 Twd Athletics                       SCR                
 -- Carter, Kayneshia         16 Bahamas High                        SCR                
 -- Culmer, Tamica            17 X-Treme Athletic                    SCR                
 -- Miller, Tanae             16 Club Monica                         SCR                
 -- Saunders, Samara          16 4 Ever Faster Tr                    SCR