The Bahamas National Stadium - Site License                        2/7/2017 - 4:45 PM
                  14th Star Performers Track Classic 2017 - 2/4/2017                  
                             The Bahamas National Stadium                             
Event 10  Boys 100 Meter Dash Under 8
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals  Wind Points Alternate
  1 Ford, Michael                Spirit of Ex             16.83   3.3  10             
  2 Coleby, Kaelin               Club Monica              16.86   3.3   8             
  3 Edgecombe, Aarian            Sts. Francis             17.36   3.3   6             
  4 Demerritte, Ashley           Sts. Francis             17.57   3.3   5             
  5 Archer, Ka\'Van              Another Leve             18.62   3.3   4             
  6 Rolle, Jayden                Fast Forward             19.86   3.3   3             
  7 Richardson, Kevin            Sts. Francis             20.13   3.3   2             
  8 Lyseight, Cherron            T-Bird Flyer             23.37   3.3   1