The Bahamas National Stadium - Site License    3/21/2023 - 1:45 PM
             BAAA ODD DISTANCE MEET 2022 - 12/17/2022              
                              BOD 22                               
                   THE BAHAMAS NATIONAL STADIUM                    
Event 19  Girls 150 Meter Dash UNDER 15
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals    
Section  1                                                         
  1 Adderley, Zoe             14 Fast Forward Ath         19.53    
  2 Watson, Nataya            13 Team Velocity            19.84    
  3 Rodgers, Deryn            13 Star Trackers            20.09    
  4 Sands, Evanice            14 D T S P Wolfpacks        21.17    
  5 Johnson, Makyaha          14 Red Line Athletics       21.57    
  6 Stuart, Sha'Khila         13 Speed Capacity           23.96    
  7 Farquharson, Valiyah      13 Red Line Athletics       24.51    
  8 Bowe, Amanda              13 Kingsway Academy         25.09    
Section  2                                                         
  1 Moss, Madison             14 Red Line Athletics       19.78    
  2 Taylor, Kianna            13 Star Trackers            20.45    
  3 Evans, Katia              13 Red Line Athletics       21.03    
  4 Dean, Angelique           14 Speed Capacity           21.26    
  5 Smith, Syraia             13 Team Velocity            21.63    
 -- Johnson, Shekinah         14 Spirit OF Excell           DNF    
 -- Bain, Jazmine             14 Fast Forward Ath           DNS    
Section  3                                                         
  1 Wright, Sarsha            13 Team Velocity            19.84    
  2 Smith, Caitlyn            13 Red Line Athletics       20.06    
  3 Hanna, Kennedy            14 Red Line Athletics       20.41    
  4 Marshall, Johnell         13 Kingsway Academy         21.02    
  5 Miller, Katelyn           14 X-Treme Athletics        21.30    
  6 Knowles, J'Lysia          13 D T S P Wolfpacks        24.51    
  7 Rolle, Jahniyah           13 Spirit OF Excell         24.94    
 -- Emile, Sharanika          14 Speed Capacity             DNS    
Section  4                                                         
  1 Davis, K'Leigh            14 Fast Forward Ath         19.94    
  2 Miller, Malia             13 Kingsway Academy         21.38    
  3 Major, Maddison           14 Red Line Athletics       21.63    
  4 Miller, Lanelle           13 D T S P Wolfpacks        22.16    
  5 Mason, Alexis             13 Star Trackers            22.84    
  6 Williams, Kiarra          13 Speed Capacity           24.57    
  7 Rolle, Paris              14 Leap OF Faith            24.91    
Section  5                                                         
  1 Edwards, Tamia            13 Red Line Athletics       19.91    
  2 Marshall, Azarria         14 Red Line Athletics       20.16    
  3 Wong, Saniyah             14 Phoenix Track Club       20.76    
  4 Carey, Zion               14 Star Trackers            21.09    
  5 Johnson, Eden             13 Team Velocity            21.99    
  6 Sears, Saadiya            13 Speed Capacity           22.91    
  7 McKinney, Alaina          14 Kingsway Academy         23.04    
Section  6                                                         
  1 Cooper, Brey;elle         14 D T S P Wolfpacks        20.04    
  2 Deveaux, Keely            13 T Bird Flyers            20.07    
  3 Fraser, Savannah          13 Fast Forward Ath         20.21    
  4 Grey, Deliyah             13 Quick Step               20.43    
  5 Carey, Dina               14 Red Line Athletics       20.71    
  6 Hudson, Jade              14 Red Line Athletics       21.31    
  7 Ferguson, Barriesha       13 Speed Capacity           21.71    
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Adderley, Zoe             14 Fast Forward Ath         19.53   1
  2 Moss, Madison             14 Red Line Athletics       19.78   2
  3 Wright, Sarsha            13 Team Velocity            19.84   3
  3 Watson, Nataya            13 Team Velocity            19.84   1
  5 Edwards, Tamia            13 Red Line Athletics       19.91   5
  6 Davis, K'Leigh            14 Fast Forward Ath         19.94   4
  7 Cooper, Brey;elle         14 D T S P Wolfpacks        20.04   6
  8 Smith, Caitlyn            13 Red Line Athletics       20.06   3
  9 Deveaux, Keely            13 T Bird Flyers            20.07   6
 10 Rodgers, Deryn            13 Star Trackers            20.09   1
 11 Marshall, Azarria         14 Red Line Athletics       20.16   5
 12 Fraser, Savannah          13 Fast Forward Ath         20.21   6
 13 Hanna, Kennedy            14 Red Line Athletics       20.41   3
 14 Grey, Deliyah             13 Quick Step               20.43   6
 15 Taylor, Kianna            13 Star Trackers            20.45   2
 16 Carey, Dina               14 Red Line Athletics       20.71   6
 17 Wong, Saniyah             14 Phoenix Track Club       20.76   5
 18 Marshall, Johnell         13 Kingsway Academy         21.02   3
 19 Evans, Katia              13 Red Line Athletics       21.03   2
 20 Carey, Zion               14 Star Trackers            21.09   5
 21 Sands, Evanice            14 D T S P Wolfpacks        21.17   1
 22 Dean, Angelique           14 Speed Capacity           21.26   2
 23 Miller, Katelyn           14 X-Treme Athletics        21.30   3
 24 Hudson, Jade              14 Red Line Athletics       21.31   6
 25 Miller, Malia             13 Kingsway Academy         21.38   4
 26 Johnson, Makyaha          14 Red Line Athletics       21.57   1
 27 Smith, Syraia             13 Team Velocity            21.63   2
 27 Major, Maddison           14 Red Line Athletics       21.63   4
 29 Ferguson, Barriesha       13 Speed Capacity           21.71   6
 30 Johnson, Eden             13 Team Velocity            21.99   5
 31 Miller, Lanelle           13 D T S P Wolfpacks        22.16   4
 32 Mason, Alexis             13 Star Trackers            22.84   4
 33 Sears, Saadiya            13 Speed Capacity           22.91   5
 34 McKinney, Alaina          14 Kingsway Academy         23.04   5
 35 Stuart, Sha'Khila         13 Speed Capacity           23.96   1
 36 Farquharson, Valiyah      13 Red Line Athletics       24.51   1
 36 Knowles, J'Lysia          13 D T S P Wolfpacks        24.51   3
 38 Williams, Kiarra          13 Speed Capacity           24.57   4
 39 Rolle, Paris              14 Leap OF Faith            24.91   4
 40 Rolle, Jahniyah           13 Spirit OF Excell         24.94   3
 41 Bowe, Amanda              13 Kingsway Academy         25.09   1
 -- Johnson, Shekinah         14 Spirit OF Excell           DNF   2
 -- Bain, Jazmine             14 Fast Forward Ath           DNS   2
 -- Emile, Sharanika          14 Speed Capacity             DNS   3