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 The Bahamas National Stadium - Site License               3/18/2022 - 11:04 PM
                 BAAA DLT TIME TRIALS CLASSIC 2022 - 2/19/2022                 
                           BAHAMAS NATIONAL STADIUM                            
Event 65  Men 200 Meter Dash UNDER 20
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  Points        
Section  1     Wind: 0.2                                                       
  1 Tilusnord, Peterson       17 Phoenix Track Club       23.63                
  2 Johnson, Elkan            19 D T S P Wolfpacks        23.68                
  3 Dawson, David             17 Another Level SP         23.90                
  4 Smikle, Jon-Mark          18 Quick Step               24.65                
  5 Davis, Temar              17 Roadrunners              24.80                
Section  2     Wind: 0.3                                                       
  1 Cartwright, Michael       17 Unique Athletics         22.27    5           
  2 Musgrove, Adam            18 Bahamas Speed DY         22.29    4           
  3 Farrington, Samalie       18 Swift Athletics          22.45    1           
  4 Ellis, Chavez             18 Noble Prep               22.47                
  5 Johnson, Earle            17 S P I A                  23.34                
  6 Sweeting, Rakem           19 Redline Athletics        24.69                
Section  3     Wind: +0.0                                                      
  1 Ferguson, Keano           19 Fast Forward             22.34    3           
  2 Laguerre, Clinton         17 Redline Athletics        22.36    2           
  3 Deveaux, Terrance         18 Swift Athletics          23.39                
  4 Thurston, Devano          17 Roadrunners              25.39                
  5 Lightbourn, Jadyn         18 Another Level SP         26.20                
  6 Clarke, Deshawn           18 Jumpers Inc              26.54                
Section  4     Wind: 0.1                                                       
  1 Brown, Alexis             17 Star Trackers            24.26                
  2 Harris, Demond            17 Roadrunners              24.48                
  3 Burrows, Myrron           17 Swift Athletics          25.08                
  4 Laing, Christian          17 Spirit OF Excell         25.28                
  5 Paul, Mikali              17 D T S P Wolfpacks        26.14                
  6 Darling, Reio             17 Jumpers Inc              27.40                
Section  5     Wind: +0.0                                                      
  1 McKinney, Jamal           19 Alliance Athletics       22.21    6           
  2 Strachan, Tafari          18 Swift Athletics          22.47                
  3 Thompson, Taryll          17 Fast Forward             22.60                
  4 Sturrup, Aiden            17 Quick Step               23.71                
  5 Wright, Tevin             19 Team Velocity            24.06                
  6 Morris, Masceio           19 Bahamas Speed DY         24.40                
  7 Deveaux, Elchristma       17 Jumpers Inc              25.56                
  8 Knowles, Kaelen           18 Redline Athletics        25.61                
Section  6     Wind: +0.0                                                      
  1 Williams, Malcolm         18 Roadrunners              22.78                
  2 Rolle, Alejandro          17 Redline Athletics        23.41                
  3 Deveaux, Lavardo          17 Bahamas Speed DY         23.89                
Section  7     Wind: -0.3                                                      
  1 Evans, Zachary            18 Fast Forward             22.02   10           
  2 Adderley, Jeremiah        17 D T S P Wolfpacks        22.07    8           
  3 Miller, Tyler             18 Bahamas Speed DY         22.78                
  4 Nixon, Brenicko           19 Swift Athletics          23.18                
  5 Major, Dion               18 T Bird Flyers            23.48                
  6 Nicolas, Allain           17 Swift Athletics          24.04                
  7 MACKEY, Lynden            19 Redline Athletics        24.73                
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  Wind H# Points
  1 Evans, Zachary            18 Fast Forward             22.02  -0.3  7  10   
  2 Adderley, Jeremiah        17 D T S P Wolfpacks        22.07  -0.3  7   8   
  3 McKinney, Jamal           19 Alliance Athletics       22.21  +0.0  5   6   
  4 Cartwright, Michael       17 Unique Athletics         22.27   0.3  2   5   
  5 Musgrove, Adam            18 Bahamas Speed DY         22.29   0.3  2   4   
  6 Ferguson, Keano           19 Fast Forward             22.34  +0.0  3   3   
  7 Laguerre, Clinton         17 Redline Athletics        22.36  +0.0  3   2   
  8 Farrington, Samalie       18 Swift Athletics          22.45   0.3  2   1   
  9 Strachan, Tafari          18 Swift Athletics          22.47  +0.0  5       
  9 Ellis, Chavez             18 Noble Prep               22.47   0.3  2       
 11 Thompson, Taryll          17 Fast Forward             22.60  +0.0  5       
 12 Miller, Tyler             18 Bahamas Speed DY         22.78  -0.3  7       
 12 Williams, Malcolm         18 Roadrunners              22.78  +0.0  6       
 14 Nixon, Brenicko           19 Swift Athletics          23.18  -0.3  7       
 15 Johnson, Earle            17 S P I A                  23.34   0.3  2       
 16 Deveaux, Terrance         18 Swift Athletics          23.39  +0.0  3       
 17 Rolle, Alejandro          17 Redline Athletics        23.41  +0.0  6       
 18 Major, Dion               18 T Bird Flyers            23.48  -0.3  7       
 19 Tilusnord, Peterson       17 Phoenix Track Club       23.63   0.2  1       
 20 Johnson, Elkan            19 D T S P Wolfpacks        23.68   0.2  1       
 21 Sturrup, Aiden            17 Quick Step               23.71  +0.0  5       
 22 Deveaux, Lavardo          17 Bahamas Speed DY         23.89  +0.0  6       
 23 Dawson, David             17 Another Level SP         23.90   0.2  1       
 24 Nicolas, Allain           17 Swift Athletics          24.04  -0.3  7       
 25 Wright, Tevin             19 Team Velocity            24.06  +0.0  5       
 26 Brown, Alexis             17 Star Trackers            24.26   0.1  4       
 27 Morris, Masceio           19 Bahamas Speed DY         24.40  +0.0  5       
 28 Harris, Demond            17 Roadrunners              24.48   0.1  4       
 29 Smikle, Jon-Mark          18 Quick Step               24.65   0.2  1       
 30 Sweeting, Rakem           19 Redline Athletics        24.69   0.3  2       
 31 MACKEY, Lynden            19 Redline Athletics        24.73  -0.3  7       
 32 Davis, Temar              17 Roadrunners              24.80   0.2  1       
 33 Burrows, Myrron           17 Swift Athletics          25.08   0.1  4       
 34 Laing, Christian          17 Spirit OF Excell         25.28   0.1  4       
 35 Thurston, Devano          17 Roadrunners              25.39  +0.0  3       
 36 Deveaux, Elchristma       17 Jumpers Inc              25.56  +0.0  5       
 37 Knowles, Kaelen           18 Redline Athletics        25.61  +0.0  5       
 38 Paul, Mikali              17 D T S P Wolfpacks        26.14   0.1  4       
 39 Lightbourn, Jadyn         18 Another Level SP         26.20  +0.0  3       
 40 Clarke, Deshawn           18 Jumpers Inc              26.54  +0.0  3       
 41 Darling, Reio             17 Jumpers Inc              27.40   0.1  4