The Bahamas National Stadium - Site License    2/22/2022 - 5:54 PM
          BAAA STAR PERFORMERS TIME TRIAL 2022 - 2/5/2022          
                      19TH YEAR TRACK & FIELD                      
                   THE BAHAMAS NATIONAL STADIUM                    
Event 32  Boys 400 Meter Run UNDER 17
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals    
Section  1                                                         
  1 Hendfield, Ziah           14 Rock Athletics           55.58    
  2 Cooper, Jaydon            15 D T S P Wolfpack         57.30    
  3 Smikle, Jehiel            16 Quick Step               57.96    
  4 Davis, Zion               15 Fast Forward             59.03    
  5 Cesar, Chris              15 Bahamas Speed DY         59.28    
  6 Williams, Sambrino        15 Noble Prep Academy       59.40    
  7 Clarke, William           15 Unattached             1:19.72    
Section  2                                                         
  1 Edgecombe, Farron         16 Red-Line Athletics       56.70    
  2 Gibbs, Teano              15 Another Level            57.75    
  3 Farrington, Renardo       15 Swift Athletics          58.96    
  4 Smith, Aaron              16 Galaxy Invaders          59.14    
  5 Moss, Javonte             15 Red-Line Athletics     1:03.18    
  6 Kelly, Kaelano            15 Hurry Murray           1:04.04    
  7 Heastie, Malachi          15 Another Level          1:14.91    
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  H#
  1 Hendfield, Ziah           14 Rock Athletics           55.58   1
  2 Edgecombe, Farron         16 Red-Line Athletics       56.70   2
  3 Cooper, Jaydon            15 D T S P Wolfpack         57.30   1
  4 Gibbs, Teano              15 Another Level            57.75   2
  5 Smikle, Jehiel            16 Quick Step               57.96   1
  6 Farrington, Renardo       15 Swift Athletics          58.96   2
  7 Davis, Zion               15 Fast Forward             59.03   1
  8 Smith, Aaron              16 Galaxy Invaders          59.14   2
  9 Cesar, Chris              15 Bahamas Speed DY         59.28   1
 10 Williams, Sambrino        15 Noble Prep Academy       59.40   1
 11 Moss, Javonte             15 Red-Line Athletics     1:03.18   2
 12 Kelly, Kaelano            15 Hurry Murray           1:04.04   2
 13 Heastie, Malachi          15 Another Level          1:14.91   2
 14 Clarke, William           15 Unattached             1:19.72   1