The Bahamas National Stadium - Site License      2/22/2022 - 5:54 PM
           BAAA STAR PERFORMERS TIME TRIAL 2022 - 2/5/2022           
                       19TH YEAR TRACK & FIELD                       
                    THE BAHAMAS NATIONAL STADIUM                     
Event 43  Girls 100 Meter Dash UNDER 20/OPEN
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  Wind
  1 Archer, Paige             17 Fast Forward             11.80   0.3
  2 Pratt, Amari              17 Star Trackers            12.23   0.3
  3 Gibson, Melvinique        17 T. Bird Flyers           12.41   0.3
  4 Davis, D'Arjha            18 Red-Line Athletics       12.42   0.3
  5 Smith, Nicanta            19 S P I A                  12.99   0.3
  6 Burke, Caleia             18 Star Trackers            13.27   0.3
 -- Myers, Tamara             29 Leap OF Faith               FS   0.3
 -- Black, Laniqua            18 Rock Athletics             DNF   0.3