The Bahamas National Stadium - Site License         2/22/2022 - 5:54 PM
            BAAA STAR PERFORMERS TIME TRIAL 2022 - 2/5/2022             
                        19TH YEAR TRACK & FIELD                         
                      THE BAHAMAS NATIONAL STADIUM                      
Event 44  Girls 200 Meter Dash UNDER 20/OPEN
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals         
Section  1     Wind: 1.5                                                
  1 Davis, D'Arjha            18 Red-Line Athletics       25.90         
  2 Miller, Kavanna           17 Quick Step               26.98         
  3 Smith, Nicanta            19 S P I A                  27.41         
  4 Barnett, Aari-Aja         18 Swift Athletics          28.35         
  5 Joseph, Roanne            17 Rickey Moxey Tra         29.81         
  6 Finlayson, Shakinah       17 Power Athletics          30.07         
  7 Achille, Samara           17 Noble Prep Academy       30.90         
Section  2     Wind: 1.3                                                
  1 Archer, Paige             17 Fast Forward             24.80         
  2 Stanislaus, Asya          19 Quick Step               26.38         
  3 Hoseph, Nancy             18 Power Athletics          27.85         
  4 Skipping, Chamija         17 S P I A                  29.85         
Section  3     Wind: 0.5                                                
  1 Culmer, Tiana             18 Fast Forward             26.84         
  2 Taylor, Raeyah            19 Roadrunners              27.36         
  3 Stanislaus, Adonya        17 Quick Step               27.96         
  4 Clarke, Zhajah            17 Swift Athletics          29.79         
  5 Rolle, Claudisha          17 S P I A                  31.02         
  6 Wells, Jayna              17 Power Athletics          31.22         
    Name                     Age Team                    Finals  Wind H#
  1 Archer, Paige             17 Fast Forward             24.80   1.3  2
  2 Davis, D'Arjha            18 Red-Line Athletics       25.90   1.5  1
  3 Stanislaus, Asya          19 Quick Step               26.38   1.3  2
  4 Culmer, Tiana             18 Fast Forward             26.84   0.5  3
  5 Miller, Kavanna           17 Quick Step               26.98   1.5  1
  6 Taylor, Raeyah            19 Roadrunners              27.36   0.5  3
  7 Smith, Nicanta            19 S P I A                  27.41   1.5  1
  8 Hoseph, Nancy             18 Power Athletics          27.85   1.3  2
  9 Stanislaus, Adonya        17 Quick Step               27.96   0.5  3
 10 Barnett, Aari-Aja         18 Swift Athletics          28.35   1.5  1
 11 Clarke, Zhajah            17 Swift Athletics          29.79   0.5  3
 12 Joseph, Roanne            17 Rickey Moxey Tra         29.81   1.5  1
 13 Skipping, Chamija         17 S P I A                  29.85   1.3  2
 14 Finlayson, Shakinah       17 Power Athletics          30.07   1.5  1
 15 Achille, Samara           17 Noble Prep Academy       30.90   1.5  1
 16 Rolle, Claudisha          17 S P I A                  31.02   0.5  3
 17 Wells, Jayna              17 Power Athletics          31.22   0.5  3