The Bahamas National Stadium - Site License              3/8/2024 - 7:24 PM
                   B.A.I.S.S. 2024 - 3/6/2024 to 3/8/2024                   
Event 12  Boys 200 Meter Dash Under 13
    Name                     Age School                  Finals  Wind Points
  1 Shepherd, Justin             Queens College 11        25.31  -0.8  10   
  2 Pratt, Shia                  S.A.C.                   26.25  -0.8   8   
  3 Augutine, Shiloh             Temple                   26.53  -0.8   6   
  4 Woodside, Garrett            NCS                      26.74  -0.8   5   
  5 Brennen, Ch'kai              S.A.C.                   28.35  -0.8   4   
  6 Bowleg, Peter                Aquinas College 10       28.35  -0.8   3   
  7 Campbell, Coen               Queens College 11        29.15  -0.8   2