The Bahamas National Stadium - Site License 
         BAAA Carifta Trials - 3/15/2024 to 3/17/2024          
Event 19  Boys 1500 Meter Run Under 20
    Name                    Year Team                    Finals
  1 Martin, Ross                 Hurry Murray           4:12.06
  2 Winder, Raywind              Hurry Murray           4:17.53
  3 Pierre, Benryco              Unattached             4:24.37
  4 Minors, Christopher          T-Bird Flyer           4:32.65
  5 Mcphee, Joshua               Golden Eagle           4:36.95
  6 Russell, Edoney              Hurry Murray           4:43.59
  7 Johnson, Nathan              Hurry Murray           4:46.99
  8 Paul, Mikali                 Dtsp Wolf Pa           4:47.89
  9 Naissance, Lashley           C.R Walker H           4:51.50
 10 Williams, Jordan             Golden Eagle           4:52.84
 11 Williamson, Kendall          One Track Mind         4:53.79
 12 Davis, Tkai                  Swift athletic         4:54.17
 13 Hepburn, Seth                One Track Mind         4:54.20
 14 Parker, D'Nacko              GB Heats Ath           5:10.01
 15 Kerr, Kevin                  T Bird                 5:10.38